Thursday, November 3, 2022

Glimpses of Holiness

Thanks to Fran for hosting our Spiritual Thursday group today, and for providing the prompt. She asks us to write about what is holy.

I believe we all experience glimpses of holiness.  I have written about one holy moment for me, you can find it if you click here.

Frederick Buechner writes about a holy moment:

Two apple branches struck against each other with the limber clack of wood on wood. That was all -- a tick-tock rattle of branches -- but then a fierce lurch of excitement at what was only daybreak, only the smell of summer coming, only starting back again for home, but oh Jesus, he thought, with a great lump in his throat and a crazy grin, it was an agony of gladness and beauty falling wild and soft like rain. Just clack-clack, but praise him, he thought. Praise him.

Perhaps holy moments, like angels, are all around us, if only we could see them. Or perhaps they come just a few times in a lifetime. In any case, they give us a glimpse into another life, a deeper connection. I have felt this "agony of gladness" upon holding a newborn, at the innocence in a child's face, walking in the woods with my husband, while singing in choir, to name a few. 

One of my strongest experiences was during a guided prayer. I was guided to a dry place, and a well, and then silence. In the silence Jesus approached me and put his hand on my shoulder and just stood next to me. I felt a deep sense of connection, of understanding. An agony of peace. Like a brother, he knew me. He accepted me. He stood with me. Praise him.

Photo thanks to my brother, Don Evenson

"Holy, Holy, Holy" was one of my dad's favorite hymns. We sang it often in the Lutheran church as I grew up, and I often think of him when I sing it. And thinking of my childhood and the three holies, a funny thing happened when I was a young child in church. An altar cloth had fancy scrolled lettering embroidered in green, and one Sunday I took the little pencil from the pew pocket and copied them onto a bulletin. It was meant to say Holy Holy Holy, but because of the fancy scroll, and because I was in the fog of childhood, I mistook the H for an R, so I wrote Roly, Roly, Roly. I was pretty proud of myself until I showed my mother. I couldn't figure out why she shook her head and looked away.  The memory still makes me laugh. Surely laughter can be included in holy moments.

Here are some words from that good old hymn, and a list of words that I connect with the idea of holiness.

Holy, Holy, Holy
Only Thou art Holy

Words and feelings
that I connect with 

A new creation
Set down right
At home
At one

I invite you to add to this list.

May your heart be filled with the spirit of holiness.

 If we weren't blind as bats, we might see that life itself is sacramental.

   - Frederick Buechner in Wishful Thinking


  1. Karen, I agree that holiness is all around un and that we are all holy. It is up to us to find that holiness in ourselves and those we come in contact with.

  2. Karen - what a glorious post, start to finish. The quotes you chose are profound - life itself IS sacramental! While reading about the "agony of gladness" I thought about C.S. Lewis describing a wild stab of joy, or 'sehnsucht'. I understand it. One is almost not sure it can be borne, the power, the wonder, the longing, the breathtaking awe. I have felt it in moments just as you describe. Your word associations are spot-on - and laughter can be holy! Not long ago I watched my baby granddaughter laughing for the first time, and marveled - the spirit bubbling forth in its fullness. Thank you for this incredible offering. I shall return to reread, I know.

  3. I read your Blue Homage, what a sacred moment and you captured it so well in your poem. Thanks for the Frederick Buechner quotes. I loved your list of words and feelings connected with Holy. I felt peace just reading it and felt my breath slow. I would add gladness to the list.

  4. Karen, I am working on a slowing down to savor sacred moments. Your poem holds beauty in its images. Thanks for reminding to find these moments instead of rushing through. I love the quote you end with.
