Thursday, March 7, 2024

Songs of Spring Goodness

Welcome to my meanderings for Spiritual Journey Thursday. Ramona is hosting today and she offered the prompt of "gathering goodness." Thank you, Ramona!

This month offers a number of reasons to gather goodness. Spring officially arrives this month, and with it all the hope and labor of new life. And Easter arrives this month, a celebration of life and redemption. My OLW for the year is "song," so I am pleased to share with you this beautiful Redemption Song as arranged and played by the Kanneh-Masons. I always enjoy this family, and their musical offerings are surely good things to gather in your basket.

I've been watching the live video of an eagle's nest, which hatched two fluffy chicks this past  week or two. You can celebrate the new chicks by clicking HERE.  In a few short months these sweet little puffballs will turn into fledgling eagles. The transformation is miraculous and surely a good thing. 

Frederich Buechner wrote:  When God created the creation, God made something where before there had been nothing, and as the author of the book of Job puts it, "the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy" (38:7) at the sheer and shimmering novelty of the thing.   (from Wishful Thinking)

Buechner's description, his "sheer and shimmering" is a delight to me. I hope I never forget that the world awakes new every morning, always ready to surprise and delight us. I hear mourning doves regularly now, as well as a chorus of various twitterings, and I see robins and blue jays, and the geese honking as they fly over. Yesterday I walked to the river and saw several mallards and a merganser winging its way up the river. Every bush seemed to sprout buds overnight. I can almost hear the world waking up, ready to grow and thrive again. 

This beautiful song by John Rutter, sung by a wonderful young chorister, celebrates the goodness of the world. All Things Bright and Beautiful. Enjoy:

I wish you a sheer and shimmering sense of wonder as spring comes into full bloom. In the meantime, check out the offerings by Ramona and other SJT participants. Click HERE.


  1. I love how you have described spring. "...the labor of spring" is not something I had thought about, but it is so true! And "I can almost hear the world waking up"--such a glorious sound!

  2. The music you shared is so beautiful. Thanks for spreading some goodness to me after a long day of teaching.

    1. I've sung in choirs most of my life and Rutter is one of my favorite composers.

  3. Karen, I love the music you shared, your enthusiasm for spring, and the quote from Frederich Buechner. Like you, I adore the words "sheer and shimmering." Thank you for all the good things you gathered in your share with us.

  4. The music is sheer and shimmering, Karen! Thank you for this glimpse of spring unfolding. You lift it up as a prayer of praise and invite us to rejoice with you. Thank you for this!

  5. Karen, I listen to the music on your blog again and again. I can see why you chose song for you OLW. As I listened to the songs, I felt so full of the spirit of nature and the Lord. I, too, love the words "sheer and shimmering" and your thought, "I hope I never forget that the world awakes new every morning, always ready to surprise and delight us." There is a gathering at your blog post that you share with us. I await spring.

  6. Thank you for all this beauty, especially the bird-related part! Sorry it's taken me so long to come read your post - I'm on break from school right now! Ruth,
