I have two spring poems for you this week.
It occurred to me to share my winning limerick from March/April 2017 Saturday Evening Post limerick contest. Submitted limericks must respond to a provided visual from the Saturday Evening Post front page archives. The image for this particular contest was from the March 7th, 1925 edition of the magazine, provided by Paul Stahr, entitled "Kissing Winter Goodbye." It made a great prompt. My limerick is as follows:
If you like writing limericks to a visual prompt, I recommend this contest. Learn more at this link: https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/limerick-contest/
The second poem was also written to a visual prompt. Below is a beautiful flower called bloodwort, a member of the poppy family with a bright red root. More about lovely bloodworts here. Laura Shovan provided the photo for Margaret Simon's weekly challenge "This Photo Wants to Be a Poem," and it prompted me to write the following: