I was lucky enough to go on a bus trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art this week. It had been my dream to see their exhibit of the Dutch Masters, and that dream came true on Monday! What a trip!
I admired 600+ paintings by Dutch artists, including Rembrandt, students of Rembrandt, Franz Hals, Vermeer and more. The exhibit is titled: In Praise of Painting... and it is just that.
My favorite: this painting by Johannes Vermeer: Young Woman with a Water Pitcher. I wanted to write about it. Poetry written in response to art is called ekphrastic poetry. Here is my attempt:
In Praise
She stands at the window
Her coif of bleached linen
Gaze tilting out
Light bathing the room
She touches the window
Calm and contented
One hand holds a pitcher
Light bathing the room
The brilliance of white
The depth of the blue
The shadows and hues as they meet
The red on the table
The yellowing map
And the light
Fully bathing the room
© Karen Eastlund
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You are invited to join in Poetry Friday, hosted today by Jone Rush MacCulloch at deowriter.
Learn more about Poetry Friday from Renee LaTulippe at No Water River. It's poetry fun!!!