Friday, November 29, 2019

A preschool story to amuse you... and a poem!

It's a day to sit back, let yesterday's feast settle, consider the family conversations and enjoy the memories. For me it is a quiet day, and sometimes a quiet day is just what I need. In thinking about my family time yesterday, I remembered some good laughs, which made me wonder if I might be able to share a good laugh with you. So... I am falling back on my days as a preschool teacher, when the 4-year-olds supplied plenty of humor. I hope this story will bring you a hearty laugh.

We talked about Native Americans at Thanksgiving. I made a game with pebbles, one side of each was plain, one side was marked with red. Native Americans played this game, throwing pebbles down much as we throw dice, counting how many landed plain side up and how many red side up. Four-year-olds could play the game to practice counting and deciding which number was greater. 
One child took great joy in playing this game, totally engrossed, shaking the pebbles and calling out with great certitude, "Come on, come on!!!  Mama needs a new set of underwear!"  

Are you laughing?  I hope so... 

Snowstorms are marching across the country, and we may see a little of the white stuff here tonight. I generally enjoy winter, but I know it causes hardship for many. In the spirit of mixed winter emotions, I'll leave you with this haiku. 

Dark tree skeletons
Tickle the cold ashen skies
A faint nod to mirth

    © Karen Eastlund

It's Poetry Friday, so come along & join the poetry party hosted by Bridget Magee at Wee Words for Wee Ones today. Find it here.  All who have joined this Friday's party are linked at the end of Bridget's post. Follow links for your poetry fix.

Happy long weekend!


  1. Thanks for the laugh, Karen! I also love the image of skeleton fingers tickling the sky.

  2. I could repeat Michelle's comment. Thanks for the laugh. You never know the secrets children tell! And I, too, love that image of "tickling the sky".

  3. Thank you so much for your story. I laughed out loud. Your poem has me imaging those trees tickling the morning awake.

  4. Did you get any snow last night after all? Thanks for the preschool laugh and the haiku tickle.

  5. Ha--I can imagine that four-year old! Love the middle line of your haiku.

  6. The little ones crack me up! Thanks for sharing this memory and for your wintery haiku, Karen. =)

  7. I enjoyed your wintry haiku--perfect for our up and down weather. And those four-year-olds made me laugh!
