Thursday, June 6, 2019


Connection is what it's all about. Just visit your local greeting card store and you'll see what I mean.  Here's a favorite poem to further the point:

Love’s Philosophy

The fountains mingle with the river 
   And the rivers with the ocean, 
The winds of heaven mix for ever 
   With a sweet emotion; 
Nothing in the world is single; 
   All things by a law divine 
In one spirit meet and mingle. 
   Why not I with thine?— 

See the mountains kiss high heaven 
   And the waves clasp one another; 
No sister-flower would be forgiven 
   If it disdained its brother; 
And the sunlight clasps the earth 
   And the moonbeams kiss the sea: 
What is all this sweet work worth 
   If thou kiss not me? 
Connection comes in many forms, but it is always tricky. We all want it, and then when we get it, we don't always know what to do with it.  Right? We want a life partner. We love the other, the other loves us. We get connected, and within months, things begin to change.  What happened?  Where is that wonderful spark that we loved so much?  We currently have a 50/50 chance of a lasting marriage. Connection is a challenge.

If you have raised children you will know that parent/child connections can stump us. Just as baffling can be our relationships with other family members. What to do?

Let's not overlook the fact that connection entails work. It's hard to put our egos aside, to practice self control, to try on the other person's point of view, to find ways to keep communication lines open.  I believe we are called to do these very things.  We are called to love one another.

My church has been particularly helpful in teaching healthy ways to connect with each other. We've learned how to speak calmly and directly to others, especially those who rile us. We have practiced the steps of a good apology. We've looked to scripture for direction. I'm so thankful for these faith connections.

Jesus taught us to love God first, and then love our neighbor's as ourselves.  He also said to love our enemies. None of these are easy commandments. Fortunately we have some roadmaps.  Here is one:

I Corinthians 13:
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Best to you all for a month of good connections,


  1. A new-to-me poem! And a delightful reflection about the challenges of connection. Thanks for joining in today, Karen.

  2. Karen, I missed your SPJ1stT post last month but I am so glad that I read it today. Your thoughts on connections is inspiring, especially since you have such a powerful scripture quote.
